Today was a wonderful day. The Dora Reed center is a great place for us to volunteer. For most of the week I have been helping in the kitchen to prepare and serve breakfast and lunch. Today, instead of helping in the kitchen I was lucky enough to help in the library. It was a nice change of pace, and I got to see a different aspect of the school. It is great being able to give back to this community in any way possible. I got to make some lesson plans for the librarian which was great practice for when I have a class of my own. Then we headed to the co-op where I got to see all the wonderful hand made crafts that the Cherokee have made to sell. Some of the basket weaving that has been done is breath taking! I ended up getting some earrings, and a dream catcher from the co-op to help support the Cherokee people
After the co-op we were taken on a tour of Cherokee central schools. The students at this school are so lucky for what the tribe has provided for them. This school is remarkable in the amount of resources available for the students, as well as how much effort this school puts into to help the students succeed. I am amazed by the school the students have been provided. This trip has turned out to be so fulfilling, just by being able to give back to the community.
-Leanne J.