Today was so incredibly bittersweet. I walked into the classroom and was greeted with great big smiles, laughter, and hugs. It was so hard because I knew that I was not there to play today, I was there to say good-bye. Saying good-bye to my student's was tough. Those amazing 3 & 4 year olds have no idea the impact they have had on my life. I loved every second I spent in the school with them. When I was walking out of my classroom a little girl called out "I'll see you tomorrow Allie" and when I explained that I would not be back tomorrow, that I had to go back to my house that was far away she said "I want to come with you to your house..." I felt myself begin to tear up. My Dora Reed students will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. As I was leaving the teacher I had gotten to know well over the week asked me to come out to her car with her where she gave me two handmade Cherokee arrows she had made. As hard as I had tried before to contain my tears, I could not hold it in any longer. These arrows are beautiful, and I am so appreciative of the hard work she put into making them. They will always be a reminder of my class and my time at Dora Reed.
After leaving Dora Reed we went on a scavanger hunt to find the painted bears that are scattered around Cherokee. We found all 17 in about an hours time, and trust me when I say that was quite an accomplishment. We then ate at the famous Grandma's restaurant where the Indian Taco lived up to all expectations. At a local store I bought a beautiful hand beaded bracelet that was a perfect reminder of the week. It was then time to leave Cherokee and head our separate ways. Just as we were pulling out it began to rain, I found it almost to be a sign that it was time for our week to end. They had been calling for rain since Tuesday and it had held off for the most part and allowed us to do everything we had planned. It poured rain the entire way home.
When I arrived home I tried to explain to my parents just how much this past week has meant to me, but it is almost impossible to convey with words. I miss Cherokee already. I have been on service learning trips to other countries and other states but this one was definitely special. It opened my eyes to the work that can be done here close by. Things seem so quiet now, there was so much laughter and so many smiles on this trip and I believe that helped make it as amazing as it was. I would like to thank Dr. Bryant for organizing such a special trip. He opened my eyes to the Cherokee culture and gave me an experience I will never forget. For anyone considering this trip next year, DO IT. I plan on going back to Cherokee as soon as I can, some of my classmates have even talked about going back at the end of the semester!
Thanks for following along with our blog...
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