Today I went to Big Cove Head Start. I got to work with 4 and 5 year old kids. I thought it was so interesting to see the kids' routine of washing their hands before and after each meal, and brushing their teeth after each meal. After breakfast, everyone gathered around a chair in the reading area for "circle time" and one of the teachers read a children's fitness book that got the children acting out "exercises" mentioned in the book. I loved acting out the moves with them. After circle time, the kids had free play in whatever area they wanted. I helped construct train tracks, assisted with Lego-house building, and drank "secret soda" that the kids decided would turn me into a mermaid, fish, or invisible depending if they gave me a green, blue, or red cup. After free time, the kids lined up to go play outside. The kids have to run 5 laps around a small track before they get to play, in case they choose do something sedentary like sit in the sandbox during outdoor time. They definitely keep their kids active. I got to run around and play all kinds of games with the kids. It was a blast and I didn't realize how worn out I was till we went back in for lunch and nap-time. I had an amazing time today and hope to continue working at Big Cove for the remainder of the week.
After we left Big Cove Head Start, we went on a hike to visit a couple of waterfalls. They were GORGEOUS and though the hike wasn't easy, it was definitely worth the view once we got to the top. I've never gotten to see a waterfall that close up before. Next, we ate dinner at a local restaurant called "neighbors" which I believe is spelled "Na-Ber's" or something similar to that. The food was great and the wait-staff was amazing - fast and very friendly. We got to meet a lady in her 90's who has worked there since she was a teenager in high school! She was so sweet. Oh and that place has the BEST apple pie I've ever tasted!
Anyway, I look forward to tomorrow and hope I get to go back to see the kids and teachers at Big Cove that I fell in love with today!
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