Today I got to work with two-year-olds at the Dora Reed Children's Center. I've never worked with kids that young, so I knew this would be an interesting experience for me. I was relieved that the kids didn't have the initial shyness I'm used to when I'm the new person in their classroom. They came up to me right away asking me all kinds of questions and wanting me to play with them. I was very impressed that a lot of the children already, at two-years-old, knew their ABC's, colors, shapes, and could count from 1-10. One little boy even knew what an octagon was. I also noticed that all the baby dolls appeared to be of Native American ethnicity. I also saw a small booklet that had counting from one to five in Cherokee. Today was definitely a unique experience for me and I hope to get to work with multiple age levels this week.
♥Lisa Lisa
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